Posted in Death of God, Gamvetta, Haggath, Morbid Aggression, Releases, Sonic Terrorism, Visible Minority on May 18th, 2023 by foadmaster2022Welcome to F.O.A.D.’s “thrash-core obscurities” month!! As announced, this round was going to be totally focused on bands and recordings which, despite being practically invisible (in some cases not even published at the time) have great archival and qualitative value for the underground scene of the countries they come from, and deserve to be preserved and brought to light in the highest quality or let’s say… to get the “F.O.A.D. treatment”!

As anticipated, from Canada we have VISIBLE MINORITY and HAGGATH (two outfits with the same members), and the mighty DEATH OF GOD. These anthologies have been assembled thanks to the incredible support of Derek Emerson (“Eve of Darkness – Toronto Heavy Metal 1980-1989” & “Tomorrow is too late – Hardcore Punk in Toronto 1980-1989”) and Glenn Salter (D.O.G.). From Italy we have dusted off the horrendous noise squad known as SONIC TERRORISM and the ghost demotape of MORBID AGRESSION, a forgotten session from 1987 resurrected by the band in recent times. And from Japan Takashi Tanaka’s (Transgressor, Necrophile and then Anatomia) first band, GAMVETTA, very raw death/thrash with grindcore influences, all recordings from 1989. Huge thanks to all those who supported us by giving a chance to such off-the-radar gems! To sum up: DEATH OF GOD “Great Omnipotent Deceiver” LP+CD, VISIBLE MINORITY / HAGGATH Split LP+CD, GAMVETTA s/t LP+CD and SONIC TERRORISM / MORBID AGRESSION split LP are out NOW on F.O.A.D. Records. All preorders have already been sent. If you haven’t still secured them to your collection, don’t miss the chance – and if you’re looking for a good deal on ordering all 4 together, keep in mind that there’s a special discounted bundle available for those who bulk order all 4 in their “diehard” version, you can find it here. And finally, be aware that next month we’ll announce one of the most important F.O.A.D. releases to date, probably the most extreme and deranged boxset in the history of music, a legendary band loved and hated by many. You’ll be surprised, so stay tuned!
More in details about this month’s ear-smashers:

DEATH OF GOD “Great Omnipotent Deceiver” LP+CD (F.O.A.D. 292)
Another classic Canadian hardcore thrash demo from the incredible mid ‘80s Toronto underground scene finally getting the deserved F.O.A.D. treatment, for the first time on vinyl! LP including the “Great Omnipotent Deceiver” demo 1986 in it’s entirety + bonus CD with closely 80 minutes of unreleased demos, rehearsals and selected live recordings 1985-1986 showing the band’s progression from mid 80’s raging thrash metal to hardcore oriented crossover.. Maximum RockNRoll in 1986reviewed them as”Hard thrash with some speedcore tendencies”. Recommended if you like other TOHC titans like SUDDEN IMPACT, NEGATIVE GAIN, MICRO EDGE, DIRECT ACTION… Comes with 20 page booklet including photos, flyers, scans of the original tapes and extensive liner notes. Watch the trailer HERE
Available in the following versions:
Diehard clear orange vinyl limited to 100 copies

Black vinyl limited to 200 copies


VISIBLE MINORITY / HAGGATH “Evil transitions 1985-1987” Split LP+CD (F.O.A.D. 291)
Canada again! Two extremely obscure Canadian thrash shredders out of Toronto’s prolific mid ‘80s Metal/Hardcore scene… VISIBLE MINORITY: Manic fast thrashcore attack reminescent of crossover legends such as early D.R.I., CRYPTIC SLAUGHTER, SEPTIC DEATH and other speed freaks of those years. Complete recordings 1986-87, both demos and extra sessions (rehearsals and live) most of which are totally unreleased to date and have only circulated in the most diehard tape trading circles.. HAGGATH: the band that preceeded V.M., formed in the early ‘80s. Pure metal thrashing violence carrying the flag of the iconic Toronto sound, for fans of SLAUGHTER, RAZOR, SACRIFICE and DEATH MILITIA! Their “Evil transitions” Demo 1985 and bonus sessions (live and rehearsal)… LP with bonus CD, nearly 2 HOURS of mind-blowing thrash massacre! Includes 12 page booklet with photos, flyers, fanzine excerpts and detailed biography by Derek Emerson (“Eve of Darkness – Toronto Heavy Metal 1980-1989” & “Tomorrow is too late – Hardcore Punk in Toronto 1980-1989”). Watch the trailer HERE
Available in the following versions:
Diehard transparent green vinyl limited to 100 copies

Black vinyl limited to 200 copies


GAMVETTA “s/t” LP+CD (F.O.A.D. 295)
After awakening from the crypts pioneering Japanese Death/Thrash hordes such as MESSIAH DEATH, CRUCIFIXION and early VOIDD – it’s the turn of GAMVETTA, the evil entity that preceeded TRANSGRESSOR in 1989. Savagely rough and awkward grinding death inferno… The first band of Takashi Tanaka (TRANSGRESSOR, NECROPHILE, ANATOMIA etc..) This release includes all their existing recordings: two ultra rare demo/rehearsals + bonus CD with soundboard live recordings. This stuff is so scarcerly circulated that you’ll barely find it mentioned on a footnote on Transgressor’s page on Metal Archives. GAMVETTA mention as their early influences Sodom, Kreator, Destruction and Bathory even if they quickly moved to more extreme territories, on this collection you will also hear covers of “Scum” era Napalm Death and “From the past comes the storm” by Sepultura. Includes insert with photos, scans of the original tapes and biographical notes by Takashi Tanaka. Watch the trailer HERE
Available in the following versions:
Diehard transparent green vinyl limited to 100 copies

Black vinyl limited to 200 copies


Complete necro-underground deathcore rottenness, one of the most abominable sonic crimes ever released on F.O.A.D.! MORBID AGRESSION (1987): barbaric and lethally chaotic thrash from this unknown horde hailing from north-eastern Italy.. Their only existing demo recently resurfaced out of nowhere, circulated among only a few local maniacs. Self labelled as “black core”, their style was combining the most furious elements from the Italian thrash wave of that time with some hardcore influences… this is one of the roughest recordings in the history of Italian metal, you are warned! SONIC TERRORISM (1989): Insane grind/noise ecatomb from this short lived brain-splattering torture squad! Their “Epileptic death” 18 song demo for the first time on vinyl. Brutal anti-musical catastrophe inspired by Sore Throat, O.L.D. and early day grindcore. Purge channel out of tune bass, a slaughtered beast on vocals and caveman drums are the formula of this extremely disturbing session. Includes 4 page insert with photos, scans of the original tapes and exclusive interviews with both bands. Watch the trailer HERE
Available in the following versions:
Diehard smokey grey vinyl limited to 100 copies

Black vinyl limited to 200 copies